Learn about our services

  • Early intervention services are designed to support infants and toddlers with developmental delays or those at risk of having a developmental disability, along with their families. These services aim to address questions and concerns about a child’s development and ensure that they reach their highest potential.

    Early Start Program (ES): California’s early intervention program, known as Early Start, provides coordinated, family-centered services statewide. It focuses on children aged 0 to 3 years who exhibit developmental delays or are at risk for disabilities

  • Our direct therapy sessions offer children a safe space to bring about change in behavior. Our therapists make sure that every time they interact with your child, they do so with care and compassion.

    Therapy sessions usually focus on certain goals that are clearly identified by conducting a thorough assessment of your child. The comprehensive assessment involves identifying your child’s strengths and areas that need improvement. As these are identified, they will be the basis for what the therapy sessions focus on. They could be building the child’s self-esteem, helping to improve communication skills, improving the child’s social emotional skills, and more.

    Therapy also includes rewarding positive behavior. We observe what is occurring in the child’s environment and make changes to promote positive behavior and minimize the likelihood of problem behavior. We achieve these through techniques such as setting clear expectations, simplifying tasks, offering choices, and more.

    During therapy sessions, we teach children the skills and strategies that allow them to be more successful and less likely to use problem behavior to meet their needs. We also make sure that children understand what they are going through, and that they are getting all the support and help that they need.

    All therapy sessions are supervised by a board-certified behavior analyst. This is done to ensure that your child’s programs are implemented faithfully and properly.

  • Parent consultation teaches and empowers parents of children with autism spectrum disorders to be able to manage difficult behaviors. Parents and child meet with a doctoral- or master’s-level behavior support specialist to discuss and apply procedures to improve difficult behaviors and increase appropriate behaviors. Target behaviors may include improving self-help skills, increasing compliance and developing appropriate sleep behaviors. The number of consultation sessions depend on the child’s and family’s needs.

    Parent Consultation is a key component of our services. We believe that empowering parents with knowledge and strategies is crucial for the continuity of care outside our center. These consultations offer personalized advice, strategies for behavior management, and guidance on how to implement ABA principles at home. Our goal is to build a strong partnership with parents to ensure the best outcomes for our clients.